Friday 9 December 2016

Liferay DXP: Technical Specifications

 Deployment Compatibility

Operating Systems
  •     Linux (CentOS, RHEL, SUSE, Ubuntu, and others)
  •     Unix (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and others)
  •     Windows Server
  •     Mac OS X

Public & Private Clouds
  •     Liferay DXP is deployable to the cloud and virtualized environments.

Application Servers
  •     JBoss EAP
  •     Resin
  •     tcServer
  •     Tomcat
  •     WebLogic
  •     WebSphere
  •     Wildfly
  •     DB2
  •     MariaDB
  •     MySQL
  •     Oracle
  •     PostgreSQL
  •     SQL Server
  •     Sybase

Platfrom Details 

Performance Scalablity

  • Clustering at any combination of tiers (presentation, service, business logic, and database)
  • Advanced caching (i.e., Ehcache)
  • Elasticsearch platform support
  • Performance monitoring support (JMX, Java profiling, etc.)
  •    Government-grade encryption such as: DES, MD5, SHA and RSA.
  •    Pluggable authentication
  •    Email verification
  •    Granular permissioning
  •    LDAP authentication
  •    Session management
Developer Languages
  •      Java
  •     Groovy
  •     Ruby
  •     Python
  •     Scala
 Web Services
  •     SOAP
  •     JSON
  •     RMI
  •     Spring Remoting
  •     WebDAV
Identity Management Support
  •     LDAP authentication
  •     SAML producer / consumer OAuth
  •     Oracle Access Manager
  •     Novell Identity Manager
  •     Sun Identity Manager
  •     OpenSSO / OpenAM
  •     SiteMinder
  •     Tivoli Access Manager
  •     Facebook standards
JavaScript Frameworks
  •     AlloyUI
  •     GWT
  •     JQuery
  •     JSF
  •     Metal.js
  •     Vaadin
              ...and others
Frontend Frameworks
  •     AlloyUI
  •     Application Display Templates
  •     Device detection
  •     TagLibs
  •     Twitter Bootstrap
Backend Frameworks
  •     Asset
  •     Cache
  •     Comments
  •     Data handlers
  •     File storage
  •     Membership policies
  •     Message bus
  •     Permissions
  •     Ratings
  •     Recycle bin
  •     Scheduler
  •     Scripting
  •     ServiceContext
  •     Upgrade
  •     Workflow
Theme Developer Languages
  •     Freemarker
  •     Velocity
Other Standards/Technologies
  •     AJAX
  •     iCalendar & Microformat
  •     JSR-168 (Portlet)
  •     JSR-286 (Portlet 2.0)
  •     WSRP 1 & 2
  •     JSR-127 (JSF)
  •     JSR-314 (JSF 2.0,2.1), JSR-344 (JSF 2.2)
  •     JSR-170 (Content Repository)
  •     Spring 3.0 & AOP
  •     CMIS 1.0/2.0
  •     OpenSearch 1.1
  •     OpenSocial 2.5
  •     Hibernate collection of projects
  •     OSGi Core 6.0
  •     SAML 2.0
  •     OAuth 1.1

Content Management Features

Content Repository

  • Multi-repository support
  • Customizable document types
  • Metadata per document type
  • Microsoft Office© integration
  • CMIS support
  • Check in/check out
  • Content previews
  • Content versioning
  • Define workflows per document type
  • Mobile/desktop file synchronization using Liferay Sync

Sites Publishing

  • Dynamic and static site templates
  • Drag and drop site maps
  • Sitemap protocol support
  • Friendly page URLs
  • Remote server staging and scheduling
  • Multiple site variations/versions
  • Faceted search
  • Recycle bin
  • User customizable pages

Content Creation

  • AlloyEditor
  • Templating: FreeMarker or Velocity
  • Global content sharing between sites
  • Content sharing in site hierarchy

Themes & Layout

  • JavaScript framework: AlloyUI 3.0
  • CSS framework: Twitter Bootstrap
  • HTML 5.0 compliant
  • Responsive mobile theme
  • Multiple page layout templates


  • Mobile previews within browser
  • Mobile responsive theme
  • Mobile device recognition
  • Eclipse-based Mobile SDK

Colaboration & Social Features

Wikis, Blogs & Message Board Blogs

  • AlloyEditor
  • Ratings / Comments
  • RSS feeds
  • Categories / Tags
  • Related assets
  • Reader subscriptions
  • Recent blogs lists
  • Badge icon for social activity
  • Social bookmarks
  • Inappropriate content flagging


  • AlloyEditor
  • Versioning & reversion
  • Creole, HTML or MediaWiki syntax
  • Attach files
  • Threaded comments

Message Board

  • Recent Posts List, My Posts List
  • Reader Subscriptions
  • Anonymous Posting
  • Attach Files
  • Support for Categories & Threads Reorganization
  • Inappropriate Content Flagging


  • AJAX-based interface
  • iCal and microformats support
  • Personal and group
  • Task lists
  • Resource scheduling
  • Email, IM, or SMS event reminders


  • Broadcast news or status
  • Scheduled start/stop
  • Site or role based targeting

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