Monday 15 January 2018

Lets under stand what are changes with Liferay 7/DXP version

Latest and stable Liferay version :

  • Liferay Community Edition = Liferay 7.1
  • Liferay Enterprise Edition = Liferay DXP

Technological update required:

  • Tomcat 8
  • JDK 8
  • Mysql 5.7
  • Eclipse Update / Liferay IDE 3

 Look and Feel :

  • Lexicon Design Language
    • set of patterns (visual and interaction)
    • designed to be fluid and extensible
  • Optimized product navigation
  • New Forms user experience
  • Geolocate any content
  • New image, file and media selector
  • Fast response - avoiding full page refreshes
  • Single Page Applications – senna.js
  • Very Good News - IE support 10,11/Edge

Modularity - OSGI

  • Monolithic to Microservices
  • Now 500+ new modules (bundles in the osgi world),
  • We can change any way we like, simply by overriding them with our own modules.
  • No ext plugins any more.


  • Liferay Module Framework
    • Apache Felix
    • Declarative Services (replaces .xml configurations)
    • Bndtools
    • Gogo Shell for manipulating the module lifecycle and many other things
  • Semantic Versioning
  • Blade Tool/Blade CLI

Others :

  • Lucene Gone, Elastic Search(Separate Server)
    • Optionally Solr, support only in EE
  • Goodbye Ant, Hello Gradle (maven is still there)
  • Build tool based on Node.js for Theme development
  • New mobile SDK with Liferay screens 2
  • Clustering not supported in CE

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Liferay Interview Questions

Liferay is one of the most popular JSR compliant open source portal. This can be used to drive multiple websites with the variety of features and look and feel. Liferay is developed in Java and the major portlet development on it is also supported by Java and few other languages.

I have worked on Liferay for more than 3 years and found that following interview questions are must know before getting a decent Liferay developer job.

1) What are the various ways in which you can customize the default behavior of Liferay that ships to you?
2) What is the difference between a Liferay Hook and Liferay EXT?
3) Suppose I want to customize the behavior of Calendar portal that comes out of the box with Liferay, how can I do that?
4) How will you configure Liferay to authenticate users from LDAP?
5) What is inter-portlet communication and how can that be achieved?
6) What is the difference between view and edit modes of a portlet?
7) What is service.xml and how will you use Liferay service builder?
8 ) Suppose I have a portlet written for Liferay 6.1 and I want to run it on Liferay 6.2, how can I do that? What if I get some spring and hibernate related exceptions with Liferay 6?
9) There is a requirement from the client that out of 4 portlets that you have written only 2 should be visible to a particular category of users. How will you achieve that? What if some fields in the remaining 2 portlets have also to be controlled based on user role?
10) What is the purpose of
11) What steps will you follow to change the layout and theme of the portal pages?
12) Suppose I want to change the background color of the footer in Liferay, what steps should I follow?
13) Which JSR is being implemented by Liferay?
14) What improvements would you like to see in Liferay 6 portal?
15) There are 1000 users using the portlet developed by you, how will you take care of transaction management.
16) A client has two different portal applications for Sales and HR department. The client wants to run these portal applications on the same server but with separate URLs like http://:/sales and http://:/hr. How will you achieve that?
17) What are the minimum Java methods one needs to override in order to write a portlet?
18) How will you make the user go from one JSP to another JSP page in a portlet?
19) While building a service using service builder, what is the purpose of specifying remoteservice=true in service.xml?
20) How to control the category in which the Liferay portlet created by me will be displayed?
21) What is hot deployment feature of Liferay? Where will you place your portlets for them to be deployed without server restart?
22) Does Liferay support email notifications out of the box for portlets involving workflow?
23) What is the purpose of mode and persistence packages which are created by the Liferay service builder?
24) If there are 3 portlets and all of them need to talk to different database systems (say MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server) because of some legacy application requirements. How will you make them connect to different databases?
25) Can you configure the database connection pool created by Liferay?
26) Can you list down various tools and frameworks used by Liferay? e.g. It uses Lucene for search
27) Suppose a client is pursuing a Liferay based solution to their requirements, what non-functional clarifications will you ask the customer?
28) Is there a build number associated with a portlet assigned by the service builder? Where can we find the current build number?
29) Have you tried the Liferay 6 Eclipse plugin? What all limitations have you found?
30) How do you log events in a portlet? Do I need to configure Log4J for every portlet or is there a common place where one can configure Log4J so that all Liferay portlets can use logging API?
31) Do you know how to update your setup of Liferay 6.1 to Liferay 6.2?
32) Can I run my Struts 1.3 based legacy application as a portlet application? How?
33) Is it a good design to meet the customer requirements by creating a single portlet or splitting them into multiple portlets? What criteria will you use to split the functionality into multiple portlets?
34) What advantages do you see in running the Liferay portal application on an application server like JBoss than running it on a web server like Tomcat?
35) What all other portals have you heard of? How do you compare them to Liferay?
36) How will you implement i18 in a portal application? What if you want the user to choose his language preference?
37) There is a portlet application for managing images similar to Flickr. The user wants to see the images on the full screen. Will Liferay allow you to do that?
38) I have a war file of the portlet which is created using service builder, what is the difference between pasting this war file in the deploy folder of Liferay and application folder of the server (like web apps in case of Tomcat)?
39) How will you set-up a clustered Liferay portal on 5 servers available to you?
40) How much user base can Liferay support without affecting performance?
41) There is a JRE shipped with Liferay package, do we not need a JDK and what is the purpose of bundled JRE?
42) Suppose there is a requirement from client to implement search functionality in Liferay portlet, does Liferay provides any API out of the box to support search?
43) What are the various ways in which one can override the default behaviour of Liferay?
44) The service builder can also build WSDL for you. What is the benefit of this feature provided by Liferay?
45) How will you build a portlet that can be added only single or multiple times in to the portal application?
46) Is it possible to set a session time out for a portlet which is different from other portlets and the Liferay portal?
47) What is the flow of HTTP request in Liferay?
48) The extends  the class. What purpose does fulfill?
49) How do you perform Junit tests on your portlet? How do tackle the dependency on the
50) Is it mandatory to have the view logic in view.jsp? Can one configure some other JSP (say MyJSP.jsp) to be default view page than view.jsp?

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Implicit Objects From Liferay JSP

We Can access Various Information related to the user, portlet, layout, theme, etc in the JSP files Using Liferay JSP Implicit Objects. Let's see what are all Complete List of Liferay Implicit Objects available in Liferay 7.

In Liferay have two tag libraries which grant access to Liferay JSP Implicit Objects.

Implicit Objects From Portlet:defineObjects Taglib.

To Get all these implicit objects, <portlet:defineObjects /> must be added In the JSP, these objects hold the information about the portlet parameters and related data.


Implicit Objects From Liferay-Theme:defineObjects Taglib

To Get all these implicit objects, <liferay-theme:defineObjects /> must be added In the JSP, these objects hold various information related user, portlet, layout, theme, portal, permissions etc.


Implicit Objects From JSP

These are the default implicit objects available from the JSP, you don't have to include any Taglib for them.


Thursday 14 September 2017

Liferay Default Theme Velocity Variables

List of velocity variables in theme template

Liferay Default Theme Velocity Variables tutorial will show light on the available velocity variables in Liferay theme. As you already know, Liferay already set parent variables in init.VM (/Liferay-home/tomcat/web apps/ROOT/HTML/themes/unstyled-theme/templates/init.vm).


  • $theme_display
  • $portlet_display
  • $request
  • $css_folder       — -$theme_display.getPathThemeCss()
  • $images_folder —  $theme_display.getPathThemeImages()
  • $javascript_folder –$theme_display.getPathThemeJavaScript()
  • $templates_folder — $theme_display.getPathThemeTemplates()
  • $full_css_path
  • $company
  • $layout  –  Current layout
  • $user
  • $full_templates_path
  • $is_signed_in  — $theme_display.isSignedIn()
  • $current_time
  • $the_year
  • $permissionChecker.isOmniadmin() –> to check Super Admin
  • $dateUtil
  • $escapeTool
  • $propsUtil  -> To get Portal Ext Properties ($propsUtil.get(“propertye-key”))
  • $paramUtil
  • $getterUtil
  • $htmlUtil
  • $portalUtil
  • $portal
  • $prefsPropsUtil
  • $propsUtil
  • $portletURLFactory   ->    Here is sample code to create Portlet URL’s in Velocity templates.                     #set($test_plid = $portalUtil.getPlidFromPortletId($theme_display.getScopeGroupId(), false,                      “test_WAR_testportlet”))                                                                                                                   #set ($test_url = $portletURLFactory.create($request, “test_WAR_testportlet”,                                              $test_plid, “RENDER_PHASE”))                                                                                                                      $test_url.setWindowState(“normal”)                                                                                                        $test_url.setPortletMode(“view”)                                                                                                              $test_url.setParameter(“privateLayout”, “false”)                                                                                      $test_url.setParameter(“cmd”, “basicView”)
  • $stringUtil
  • $unicodeFormatter
  • $validator
  • $arrayUtil
  • $browserSniffer
  • $dateFormats
  • $dateTool
  • $dateUtil
  • $escapeTool
  • $expandoColumnLocalService
  • $expandoRowLocalService
  • $expandoTableLocalService
  • $expandoValueLocalService
  • $httpUtil
  • $imageToken
  • $iteratorTool
  • $languageUtil
  • $unicodeLanguageUtil
  • $localeUtil
  • $randomizer
  • $serviceLocator
  • $sessionClicks
  • $staticFieldGetter
  • $listTool
  • $mathTool
  • $sortTool
  • $numberTool                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Useful code snippets in Liferay theme Velocity templates:
  • Theme. Runtime is used to insert portlet at theme level
    • $theme.runtime(“emailnotification_WAR_kpiemailnotificationportlet_INSTANCE_adfckdkkek”)
  • to check Omni admin
    • #if ($is_signed_in && $permissionChecker.isOmniadmin())
  • To get the cotent based on locale:
    • $languageUtil.get($locale, $the_title, $page.getName($locale))

  • Wednesday 13 September 2017

    Liferay - Build number deployment error

    Many times while deploying portlet you people might have seen following error.

    Build namespace ABC has build number X which is newer than Y.

    Lets first understand why this error is coming . Whenever we build services for our portlets buidl number inside is getting incremented. And when you deploy portlet Liferay will compare build number available inside against the build number available inside servicecomponent table. If the build number inside is less then the one inside servicecomponent table it means you are downgrading your build and your DB changes wont be affected . At that time portal will throw this exception saying

     "Build namespace ABC has build number 3 which is newer than 1". 

    To resolve this problem we need to increase the build number inside file . For above scenario we need to changes build number to either 3 or greater then 3.


    Another solution (not recommended) is you can delete entries for your portlet from servicecomponent table. For more information check this thread on Liferay Forum.

    Popup in Liferay Using Alloy-ui

    Here is the sample example to display pop up in liferay using Alloy -ui

    In pop up body you can display any thing you want

    here in our example we will display simple greeting message in pop up window

    These are Imports:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-portlet" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-theme" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %>
    <%@page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.language.LanguageUtil"%>
    <%@page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.LiferayWindowState"%>

    Render URL

    <portlet:renderURL var="simpleDialogIframe"
     <portlet:param name="render" value="showPopUp"/>

    In Controller Render()

    @RenderMapping(params = "render=showPopUp")
    public String showPopup(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response){
    System.out.println("Under Render");
    return showPopUp;

    Button On Click Opening PopUp

     <aui:button name="f1" value="Click" onClick="popUpModel()"/>

    PopUp Script

     function popUpModel(){
     var url = "<%=simpleDialogIframe.toString()%>";
       AUI().use('aui-base', 'liferay-util-window', 'aui-io-plugin-deprecated', function(A){
           var popupWidth = 300;
           var customPopUp = Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow({
                   centered: true,
                   constrain2view: true,
                   modal: true,
                   resizable: false,
                   destroyOnClose: true,
                   destroyOnHide: true,
                   width: popupWidth,
                       destroy: function(event){
               id: "<portlet:namespace/>dialogId"
               autoLoad: true,
               iframeCssClass: 'dialog-iframe',
               uri: url




    in our example we have created one spring portlet in that i am opening a PopUp in PopUp I am rendering jsp 

    Friday 19 May 2017

    Bootstrap Datepicker Change Language Dynamically

    I am now wanting to dynamically change the language of the date picker when the user changes a language of PORTAL.

    I'm trying to localize the bootstrap-datetimepicker which has a folder 'locales' that contains the different languages.

    The plugin supports i18n for the month and weekday names and the weekStart option. The default is English ('en'); other available translations are avilable in the js/locales/ directory, simply include your desired locale after the plugin. To add more languages, simply add a key to $.fn.datetimepicker.dates, before calling .datetimepicker().  

    To your View page and design your page likes this:

        <div class="span12">
                <span class="span5">
                    <aui:input  name="fromdate" id="from-date-input" value='${fromdateValue}'
                           inlineField="true" readonly='true' data-date-autoclose='true'>                  
                <span class="span5">
                    <aui:input  name="todate" id="to-date-input" value='${todateValue}'
                             inlineField="true" readonly='true' data-date-autoclose='true'>
                <span class="span2">
                    <input type="submit" value="Go" name="Go" onclick="<portlet:namespace/>dateValidate();" >

    Now We have to download from bootstrap site.

    NOTE:The default is English (“en”); Am using GERMAN(de) for demonstration, other available translations are available in the js/locales/ directory, simply include your desired locale after the plugin.

    Then we have JS folder in our Portlet. There we have put the file bootstrap-datetimepicker-de.js with the following content.

     datetimepicker-de.js code like that:

     * German translation for bootstrap-datepicker
     * Sam Zurcher <>
        $.fn.datepicker.dates['de'] = {
            days: ["Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"],
            daysShort: ["Son", "Mon", "Die", "Mit", "Don", "Fre", "Sam"],
            daysMin: ["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"],
            months: ["Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"],
            monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"],
            today: "Heute",
            monthsTitle: "Monate",
            clear: "Löschen",
            weekStart: 1,
            format: ""

    Next we can add this bootstrap to our liferay-portlet.xml file.  like


    Next we can add the script to our view page JSP, If locale change Date-picker should be change en to de:

                 var locale = "<%=themeDisplay.getLocale().toString()%>";
                 console.log("Locale Value is......."+locale);
                 var jslocale = 'en';
                 $("#<portlet:namespace/>to-date-input , #<portlet:namespace/>from-date-input").datepicker({
                   format: "dd/mm/yyyy",
                   endDate: '+0d',
                   language: jslocale


    To restrict the date picker from taking future date:
    I have added a Bootstrap property in above script-

     endDate: '+0d'

     Now its time for validation on datepicker:
    For my case i added these 3 validation- 
    1.From and To dates are required.
    2.From date cannot be greater than the To date.
    3.Date range must be within 1 month.

        function <portlet:namespace/>dateValidate(){
            var fromdate="";
            var todate ="";
            var startDate = "";
            var endDate = "";
            var months = 0;
            var daysDiff = 0;
            var timeDiff = 0;
            var selFromDate = $("#<portlet:namespace/>from-date-input").val();
            var selToDate = $("#<portlet:namespace/>to-date-input").val();
            if(selFromDate!=null && selFromDate!='' && selToDate!=null && selToDate!=''){
                  var fdate = selFromDate.split("/")
                  var tdate = selToDate.split("/")
                  var fromNewDat = new Date(fdate[2], fdate[1] - 1, fdate[0]);
                  var toNewDat = new Date(tdate[2], tdate[1] - 1, tdate[0]);
                  startDate = new Date(fromNewDat);
                  endDate = new Date(toNewDat);
                  timeDiff = endDate - startDate;
                  daysDiff = Math.floor(timeDiff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
            if (selFromDate == "" || selToDate == ""){
                $('#<portlet:namespace/>errorMessage').html('From and To dates are required');
            }else if (startDate > endDate){
                $('#<portlet:namespace/>errorMessage').html('From date cannot be greater than the To date');
            }else if(daysDiff > 30){
                $('#<portlet:namespace/>errorMessage').html('Date range must be within 1 month');
            }else {